Global Winners Testimonials

Award will contribute towards Sustainable Development Goals
I am extremely overwhelmed to receive the National E-Innovation Award 2019. The recognition received by an individual for his contribution towards the society always motivates to excel him more. For that matter, the process of identification of change makers of the society adopted by MUGU International foundation is praiseworthy. Thus, the honor bestowed upon me will definitely inspire me to perform better and contribute to the Goal No 4 of Sustainable Development Goals i.e. Quality Education. In addition to this, the philanthropic activities being undertaken by the organization are commendable.
Mr. Amit Kumar

A historical moment of my life
I am very happy to receive the Global E-Innovation Award and I really feel motivated to raise my standards in my teaching practice. The recognition I received from your esteemed MUGU International Foundation reminds me that in this world where consumerism and the pursuit of easy profit prevail there are people who appreciate the humble but invaluable work of an elementary school teacher in a small country like Greece. You gave me incentive to introduce more innovative projects in my school. Your recognition has great value for me.
Ourania Lampou

MIF is hope for everyone
Its been a great experience so far, winning this prestigious award has further motivated us to keep up with our work; not living any child behind.
Slum2School (NGO)

I am so proud to be recognized
I am so proud to be recognized as E-Innovation Award winner 2018 by the MUGU International Foundation, especially as a student at the age of 12 years. This achievement is the highest honour and tremendous highlight of my academic life which has provided me yet another opportunity to boost my morale and do more good work. While working on the collaborative projects using Skype and Minecraft; has given me an opening to hone my skills at the same time to connect with my peers while learning new things. I will be more than happy to share my learnings with other students and respected teachers. Thank you MUGU Foundation for giving me an unforgettable recognition in my career.”
Namya Joshi

JLKP is very thankful to MIF
Jan Lok Kalyan Parishad (JLKP) is very thankful to MIF, India that gives an opportunity to the grass root level organisation working in the community to explore his work and innovative way of work for fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goal in Jharkhand state of India .The National E- innovation Award by MIF is not only like an award for JLKP, it is Award which will work as motivation for the team of JLKP in every stage of Work.
Jan Lok Kalyan Parishad (NGO)

Real award recognizing real talent globally
I’m so proud to be recognized as E-Innovation Award winner 2018 by the MUGU International Foundation . It is a great international recognition for me and for my work . It gives me motivation to go on working on activities and projects to serve my society , colleagues and students to be able to improve our world together . I hope that I can share my experience to inspire, empower, and engage teachers in seeing new opportunities and ways to pursue innovation.
Lamees Gouda Ameen

MIF recognizing real talent globally
“Being the winner of Global e- Innovation Awards is not only a recognition but also an opportunity for me to connect, share and learn from many leading educators around the globe. As a trainer and leader in my country, this award also gives me the motivation to spread good values to teachers throughout Vietnam. I have plans to work with teachers in the MUGU Intr Foundation community to implement a global project as soon as possible. If you are a vocational teacher, do not hesitate to join the MUGU community so that we will be together to study – to share and to shine. Thank you MUGU for giving me an unforgettable recognition in my teaching career.”
Nam Ngo Thanh,

Thanks To MIF For International Recognition
Dear MUGU International Foundation (MIF), India,
I feel sorry for what is happening between India and Pakistan. I wanted to thank you very much for the MUGU Award by MIF. It means very much to me. When I began making my Ability Guidebooks to support autistic people, they were only for my own home town and my own students. But over the years I realized I could make those same supports for the cities I visited or any place where I could find pictures to use. With those shared photos I have been able to create books for India and many countries in Asia. My trip last year to assist at the Taurie Foundation Schools in Bangladesh allowed me to create even more books, but with my own pictures. It is always my hope these books will inspire other people to make some as well. Your award will help people in India find the books for Ajanta Ellora Caves and Qutb Minar and, perhaps, a teacher there will step forward and translate them into Hindi! Thank you so much for recognizing this work. I hope it inspires teachers all over the world to share their talents with classrooms and teachers who may live very far away.
Brett Bigham,

Feeling proud being part of MIF
I wanted to thank you for the MUGU award. It is a pleasure to see organizations that really respect the work of the teachers. I’m very proud to be one of the winners for 2018. It is a great international recognition for me and for my work. I can’t wait to see who will be the winners for 2019. Continue with the good work.”
Georgina Dimova,

Selfless Global Service of Humanity
I feel sorry for what is happening between India and Pakistan. I give them the strength that this problem will be solved and peace will come to each one of you.
I thank the entire MUGU International Foundation – INDIA on behalf of my family, colleagues, teachers, co-workers and friends from all over Chupaca, Junín and Peru.This e-Innovation Award Global Winner 2018 award is a pride for me and my country. And I hope you continue to nominate many teachers and professors from around the world.